Become the Husband You Are Meant to Be

Become the Husband You Are Meant to Be

It feels like you're carrying this weight of never quite measuring up to what you expect of yourself and what your wife wants. The Confident Husband Mastermind includes you in the conversations of successful husbands to glean from their insights so you are empowered, motivated, and confident to win at marriage. 

Many guys find it challenging to really
step in their role as a husband.

Many guys find it challenging to really step in their role as a husband.

Know exactly what your wife expects of you in your marriage and confidently deliver. 




Discover how to stay in control and release anger's grip on your life.

not your emotions



Engage in conversations that build your connection rather than tearing it apart, leaving you both with those happy vibes.




Hollywood's portrayal of marriage is much different than in real life. You intended to be a great husband. You didn't wake up one day and decide to sabotage your marriage. 

You got married, and you realized that loving and cherishing your wife was not as easy as you thought it would be. Suddenly, protecting and providing isn't a grand, romantic gesture. It’s become a responsibility. Apparently, nothing's good enough; you're nurturing deep-seated resentments, contemplating what life looks like if your marriage ends, and you feel like you're on opposing teams fighting it out.



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Something has to change, actually
someone HAS TO CHANGE–you!

Do you want to silence the negative self-talk and voices of criticism and complaint?



How many of these things have you said to yourself in the last 30 days?

"I feel like I'm failing as a husband."

"Why can't I get it together?"

"Why doesn't she desire and pursue me?"

"I want to have more sex."

"She doesn't respect me."

"She's always nagging me about something."

“Stop mothering me and treating me like a kid.”

"I feel so lonely."

"Nothing I do is good enough."

"I can't make her happy."

"Someone's always yelling."

"I didn't sign up for this." 

"Just tell me what to do, and I'll fix it!"

“I feel trapped in this marriage.”

"I wish you would be the spiritual leader
of our family."

"I need help around the house."

"Why do I have to tell you what to do? You should see what needs to be done like I do and just do it." 

"You're always so angry."

"I wish you would speak kindly to me."

"It's like we are speaking two different languages."

"You don't listen to anything I say."

"You don't ever communicate."

"You care more about your job than your family."

"I think we need to separate." or “I want a divorce.”

It's doesn't have to stay this way.

Hopelessly gives into his vices: drinking, smoking, porn, video games, scrolling social media, etc.

Hopelessly gives in and picks up all the slack until she has nothing left to give. Emotionally distant, complains to spouse out of sheer desperation.



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Do you want to silence the negative self-talk and voices of criticism and complaint?


How many of these things have you said to yourself in the last 30 days?

"I feel like I'm failing as a husband."

"Why can't I get it together?"

"Why doesn't she desire and pursue me?"

. . . SEE MORE

"I feel like I'm failing as a husband."

"Why can't I get it together?"

"Why doesn't she desire and pursue me?"

"I want to have more sex."

"She doesn't respect me."

"She's always nagging me about something."

“Stop mothering me and treating me like a kid.”

"I feel so lonely."

"Nothing I do is good enough."

"I can't make her happy."

"Someone's always yelling."

"I didn't sign up for this." 

"Just tell me what to do, and I'll fix it!"

“I feel trapped in this marriage.”

Hopelessly gives into his vices: drinking, smoking, porn, video games, scrolling social media, etc.


"I wish you would be the spiritual leader of our family."

"I need help around the house."

"Why do I have to tell you what to do? You should see what needs to be done like I do and just do it." 

. . . SEE MORE

"I wish you would be the spiritual leader
of our family."

"I need help around the house."

"Why do I have to tell you what to do? You should see what needs to be done like I do and just do it." 

"You're always so angry."

"I wish you would speak kindly to me."

"It's like we are speaking two different languages."

"You don't listen to anything I say."

"You don't ever communicate."

"You care more about your job than your family."

"I think we need to separate." or “I want a divorce.”

Hopelessly gives in and picks up all the slack until she has nothing left to give. Emotionally distant, complains to spouse out of sheer desperation.

It's doesn't have to stay this way.



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(If not, we will email it to you, and you can send it whenever you like.)

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Some of the Problem

You have a ”fix-it” mentality.

You didn't have a good model.

As a man, you're wired to fix whatever is broken. It's like a secret superpower. The problem with a "Fix-It" mentality is you learn to see everything through that lens. You want to fix everything, and everything doesn't need fixing. Your success heavily depends on your ability to step out of "Fix-It" mode and into support "mode."

If 50% of marriages end in divorce, there is a 50/50 chance your parents divorced, and you didn't have a good role model to learn how to be a great husband. We need to see what "good" looks like. Emulating something we don't have first-hand experience with is hard, especially when we need to know what we are looking for. 

You're chasing moving targets.

You're nurturing the wrong kind of relationships.

You probably spend a lot of time trying to figure out what your wife needs. After working hard to meet that need, you focus on that thing only to find she wants something different next time. What gives? Just when you thought you figured it out, the target gets moved. Again!

The kind of people you spend your time with will determine the path of life you go down. You've read, "Bad company corrupts good morals," before, right? It's true. If you spend time with other men who are not working hard to become the best husband they can, learning to share their hearts with other men, and allowing other men to hold them accountable, you're setting yourself up to fail. 

You’re trying to change how you feel
about yourself by behaving differently.

You’re trying to change how you feel about yourself by behaving differently.

You're trying to make others happy with you.

If you're honest, you've had plenty of times when you have not felt great about how you show up in your marriage. You've probably had just as many conversations replay in your head, scolding yourself to do things differently so you don't feel so bad. The problem with that behavior is it doesn't address your thought process. You need to understand the "why" before you can act differently. You can't change your behavior by changing your feelings. You have to change your thoughts to inform your feelings to walk in new behaviors. 

Stop being a nice guy! (I'm not giving you permission to be a jerk.) One of the problems with making others happy with you is your dependency on them to affirm you and validate who you are. If you have given someone this much control over how you feel about yourself, you will never live a rich, fulfilling, and satisfied life. You will always seek out the validation of others. As long as you are doing that, you will never be happy, no matter what you do (or don't do). 

Stop feeling your way through the dark. It's time to become a confident husband.

You're invited to watch five husbands openly share their wisdom and those not-so-proud moments. They will equip you with skills and strategies to help you succeed.


Learn how you can become the kind of husband your wife will freely follow as a spiritual leader.


Has anger hijacked your life? In this conversation, we will show you how to break free of its grip on your life. 


In this conversation we will help you understand how to rebuild any broken trust in your marriage.


Level up your game as a husband. What your wife needs you to know about household duties. 


Learn to communicate in ways that allow you to be known. Engage your wife with your heart and emotions.

Confident Husband Mastermind is 5 vulnerable conversations on 5 big topics that affect you and your wife daily.

Engage with five honest, vulnerable, and transparent conversations from husbands who’ve been where you are. 

Take intentional actions towards bettering your marriage with a month’s worth of daily action steps.

One conversation or interactive activity per day to build a deeper connection with your wife. 

Cheat Sheets for each conversation so the things you learn will last.

Four Date night ideas that will allow you to connect with your spouse and implement what you've been learning. (We get it! Intentional dates can be hard to plan, so we've got you covered.) 

Three Bonus sessions where we dive deeper into Spiritual Leadership, Anger, and Rebuilding Trust.

You're on your way to becoming a confident husband.

What's included:



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Bob Elms

I have been married to my beautiful bride Johanna for twenty-two years. We have two amazing daughters, Christina and Hannah, and together we have built a life of love, laughter, and celebration. My wife and I love traveling and making memories with each other. She truly is my very best friend.


Tino Urias

I have been married for 23 years, and my wife and I have 4 boys (men and young men now). I'm passionate about three things in marriage: God, communication, and laughter–in that order.


Josh Letras

Maegan and I have been married for 25 years. We are parents to three children, Ethan, 23, an ER Technician at a hospital; Paige, 18, headed to Circuit Riders this fall in Huntington Beach, CA; and Evan, 15, a sophomore in high school.


Rich Millentree

I have been married to my best friend, DeAnna, for 27 years. DeAnna loves God with all of her heart. She's smart and incredibly beautiful. We have two adult children. Our son, Micah, is 24 years old, and like his mom, he's crazy-smart. Our daughter, Olivia, is 19 years old, and like her dad, she will make you laugh until you have to pee. DeAnna and I love each other's presence. We look for any opportunity to get away for a day–or three. We are always on the lookout for exciting places to go on our next date night. If I could sum up our marriage in one emoji, it would be 🤣.


Tommy McKiernan

Me and my wife, Shannon, have been married for over thirty years! We met in high school at church youth group and have been best friends ever since. We were blessed with two amazing boys who each brought us the most wonderful bonus daughters, and we also have one beautiful daughter. This past year we experienced one of our life's greatest moments when our grandson, James, was born! We absolutely love spending time together watching the Food Network, taking long drives, and enjoying the outdoors.


Bob Elms

I have been married to my beautiful bride Johanna for twenty-two years. We have two amazing daughters, Christina and Hannah, and together we have built a life of love, laughter, and celebration. My wife and I love traveling and making memories with each other. She truly is my very best friend.


Trino Urias

I have been married for 23 years, and my wife and I have 4 boys (men and young men now). I'm passionate about three things in marriage: God, communication, and laughter–in that order.


Josh Letras

Maegan and I have been married for 25 years. We are parents to three children, Ethan, 23, an ER Technician at a hospital; Paige, 18, headed to Circuit Riders this fall in Huntington Beach, CA; and Evan, 15, a sophomore in high school.


Rich Millentree

I have been married to my best friend, DeAnna, for 27 years. DeAnna loves God with all of her heart. She's smart and incredibly beautiful. We have two adult children. Our son, Micah, is 24 years old, and like his mom, he's crazy-smart. Our daughter, Olivia, is 19 years old, and like her dad, she will make you laugh until you have to pee. DeAnna and I love each other's presence. We look for any opportunity to get away for a day–or three. We are always on the lookout for exciting places to go on our next date night. If I could sum up our marriage in one emoji, it would be 🤣.


Tommy McKiernan

Me and my wife, Shannon, have been married for over thirty years! We met in high school at church youth group and have been best friends ever since. We were blessed with two amazing boys who each brought us the most wonderful bonus daughters, and we also have one beautiful daughter. This past year we experienced one of our life's greatest moments when our grandson, James, was born! We absolutely love spending time together watching the Food Network, taking long drives, and enjoying the outdoors.



Kiss those days of feeling mothered by your wife goodbye. 

Becoming a confident husband will lead to a deeper emotional connection with your wife and create a happier marriage. When you begin to grow as a husband, you will feel empowered. You'll earn your own respect. You will know how to make positive changes in your life and marriage. The confident husband in you will make your wife desire you in ways you've longed for. 

you're ready for this man of god!



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Rich Millentree

There was a season in my life when I didn't respect who I was as a man or husband. I wanted what I saw and admired in the men in my life who had proven track records of living out what being a husband actually meant. 

As much as I tried to mimic their behaviors, my efforts fell flat. I was more concerned with being liked than I was liking myself. I knew if I was ever going to become the man I respected, I had to start confronting the dude in the mirror. I didn't like him. He was weak, immature, and didn't care about anyone but himself. 

Take it from a recovering people pleaser. I know how hard growing up can be. It's intimidating. Craving the validation and approval of others to be seen as a nice guy, when inside I was not nice, and I knew it. Change can feel so far off and utterly hopeless, but it’s possible. You can change.

I am a Certified Marriage Coach and Licensed Pastor. At Growing In Marriage, I see husbands and marriages in all stages. It's my joy to come alongside and journey with them into new growth and maturity. I want to journey with you too. 

The Growing In Marriage Confident Husband Mastermind is an invitation to listen to other men, who were in your shoes at one time, share how they gained the expertise needed to become skilled and confident. As you'll hear, that doesn't mean you will always know what to do, but you will know how to show up.



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Men who want to become the husband they are meant to be. Men who are tired of their wives mothering them and treating them like a child. Husbands who want to love and cherish their wives but are tired of feeling like their efforts are not good enough—men who want to be respected and desired by their wives. 

Nope! This is not a course, and there is no homework. The Confident Husband Mastermind is five conversations you’re invited to participate in. You have a front-row seat. I know guys have a "fix-it" mentality and want to know what needs to get done. We give you exactly what you need and nothing more. You don't have to figure anything out. It's as simple as "Here's an action step. Go do it." 

Yes. The Confident Husband Mastermind (CHM) is about becoming a better version of yourself. More likely than not, your wife is frustrated by your lack of effort. Demonstrating your new efforts will go a long way in rebuilding some of your lost trust and closing the gap on considering separation or divorce. You will start to respect the man in the mirror, and if you are beginning to respect this new confident husband that is emerging, your wife may feel the same way. 

CHM is for husbands and those who are engaged and will become a husband.

No. We know your time is important and limited. We have designed Confident Husband Mastermind so that each conversation doesn't build on the other. Because it is designed that way, you can watch one conversation without feeling like you have to hold a bunch of information in your mind and tie it all together. You can relax and let the creative side of your mind engage in the discussions.

Absolutely! To learn more about coaching with Rich, click here.

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Yes. To learn more about what we believe, check out our beliefs and read about our local church's beliefs.

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